2010年4月5日 星期一

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ I Love My Younger Sisters 僕は妹に恋をする

Woah! My second post is gonna be about the manga, I love my younger sisters (Boku wa Imōto ni Koi o Suru) by Kotomi Aoki. I read the manga like few months ago online and ever since then I kept looking online, see if the series is available from any sellers. And LUCKY ME, finally found it last week. Second hand but in a very good condition! Ha. Anyway, the anime is nice but only adapted 1/3 of the original story. It kinda sucks! The manga is also adapted into a live action movie which I watched half of it and thought it was totally weird o.o Yori is supposed to be HOT, and Iku is supposed to be cute. But none of these happened in the movie.


What is the story about? Mhmm. It's about Yori falling in love with his twin sister, Iku. They had sex and stuff. Yori tried to find out whether they had blood relation. And of course it turned out they are real siblings with blood relation. Some people say it's sick. But I like it a lot. It's not the idea of incest that I like, but the true love Yori had for Iku. He suffered a lot 'cause he wanted to do everything to protect Iku and the love they had. Oh well...


The managa, Japanese edition

The Manga, Chinese Edition (I forgot to take a pic of my books)

The anime

The live action movie

