2010年4月4日 星期日

☀♩♬♪ First Post Wooooo!

Not so long ago, I started to re-watch the anime of Sailor Moon. Dude, I'm getting crazy about it! After watching the anime, I started to read the manga. I felt like a little kid again. I do remember when I was about 4 (1994, oops now you know my age), the show was on Hong Kong TV. And THIS was the only anime I watched. Sailor Moon plays a major role in my childhood. I bought some toys today. They are dirt cheap but still make me happy!


The Bandai mirror set, $14.99~$29.99 USD on ebay.

The Bandai cell phone set, I saw one on ebay at $54.99 USD. I think it's a set of the live-action Sailor Moon show. The phone can make sound if you press the buttons. I thought the moon necklace was really pretty. But I like the Luna mirror the best! <3

Well, that's all for today. More of Sailor Moon coming soon, yay!

1 則留言:

  1. 哈哈,sailor moon 都是我的童年~
