2010年4月15日 星期四

o(≧ω≦)o セーラームーン ❤❤❤ Sailor Power!!!

Didn't buy much today but enough to make me happy. I really like this blog thingy - keeping record of all my Sailor Moon stuff with pictures. Frankly, I like writing diaries better but my handwriting is ugly and I don't wanna print photos all the time! So yeah, I have like 10 blogs for different purpose. Lol ~^.^~


I have two sets of the manga series, exactly the same! Well not really two sets. There are two missing volumns in one of the sets. But I bought it anyway 'cause I thought it was not that expensive so yupppp GRABBBBBBBBBBB. The other picutre is Lover of Princess Kaguya. I think there's no difference between this book and volumn 11. But I bought it anyway, too! For collection. ^.^

Figures I bought from Taiwan. The figures are made in Taiwan. Old stuff, very old. I could only get Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter. I wonder where I could get the rest. Well, they do look a bit fake I have to say. But it's made in Taiwan not in Japan. So the quality is fair. And it's DIRT CHEAP. The pins are also bought from Taiwan. Very, very CUTE.
台灣買的玩具。我沒到台灣去喔,是網上買回來的。很便宜,港幣幾十塊而已。已然很舊的啦,我今天打開來看好多塵。就只有Sailor Moon、木星、火星。不知道還找不找得到其他人物呢。這玩具是台灣造的,可能看上去有點偽,但還過得去。這麼便宜還想怎樣!反正用來當擺設還不至於傷眼,呵呵。另外扣針也是台灣買過來的。非常可愛的哦。

Uh, okay. Just a VCD of the movie.

WOW WOW WOW, I LOVE THESE. ALL CHARACTERS ARE HERE. SAILOR STARS ARE HERE TOO! It's so damn hard to get their stuff! I saw their barbies the other day from a seller. I think I'm gonna get it soon. :)

Sailor Mars watch! Bandai, made in 1994. I bought this from a Taiwanese seller. Pretty but I wish I could find other characters' too. Oh well, that's life I guess xD.

2010年4月12日 星期一

✿.。.: Sailor Moon Weeepeeee! セーラームーン! .:。✿

Sailor Moon cards! I don't like collecting cards much but some of them are like woahhhh. So I will get them if not too expensive. Still, I think toys, figures or other stuff are more awesome. Cards are like.. mhmm. Anyway, the silver card set is AMAZING. I wonder how much they were worth when I was little.


The front and the back

2010年4月9日 星期五

•ิ.•ั Here comes Sailor Moon! セーラームーン!

OHHHHH MYYYYY, new Sailor Moon items! For those of you who misunderstood the prices I listed here, I didn't buy my stuff at the prices I listed. I only searched on the Internet to see how much they are worth. I bought them at much lower prices. I don't have that much money to buy some things that aren't really worth THAT much. Uhh, how much lower? Let's say the price on ebay of the Sailor Uranus doll I have is 10 times more than the price I've bought.


Sailor Moon Divination set. The sticky thing can be turned around.

Sailor Moon plastic bag, small size + Sailor Moon pin and Sailor Pluto pin.

Sailor Moon make-up set. The thing with a heart on that I have my finger in is supposed for the Sailor Moon transformation locket. Put the heart face to the locket, locket will make sounds. I don't have that locket. I bought it but haven't picked it up yet. The necklace is the reason why I bought this set. The mirror is pretty too. Pretty, pretty, pretty. :D

2010年4月7日 星期三

∞✩∞ Sailor Uranus 天王 はるか - セーラーウラヌス!

Hi there my g-blog!! Guess what I bought today? I bought the Sailor Uranus DOLL! Sailor Pluto and Neptune were there too but I only brought Sailor Uranus with me 'cause I love her better. I feel a bit sad now, though. So I guess I'm gonna bring them home soon too. Oh and I got some cards today as well. Probably made in Hong Kong and even mainland China. But some of them are pretty so I'm fine with that. :D


Sailor Uranus doll, Sailor series dolls like that cost about $84.99~130USD on ebay. That price range is mad!

Sailor Moon cards x 18

Lol, this is a Sailor Moon wallet I got as a gift when I was a kid. I forgot who I got it from.

2010年4月5日 星期一

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ I Love My Younger Sisters 僕は妹に恋をする

Woah! My second post is gonna be about the manga, I love my younger sisters (Boku wa Imōto ni Koi o Suru) by Kotomi Aoki. I read the manga like few months ago online and ever since then I kept looking online, see if the series is available from any sellers. And LUCKY ME, finally found it last week. Second hand but in a very good condition! Ha. Anyway, the anime is nice but only adapted 1/3 of the original story. It kinda sucks! The manga is also adapted into a live action movie which I watched half of it and thought it was totally weird o.o Yori is supposed to be HOT, and Iku is supposed to be cute. But none of these happened in the movie.


What is the story about? Mhmm. It's about Yori falling in love with his twin sister, Iku. They had sex and stuff. Yori tried to find out whether they had blood relation. And of course it turned out they are real siblings with blood relation. Some people say it's sick. But I like it a lot. It's not the idea of incest that I like, but the true love Yori had for Iku. He suffered a lot 'cause he wanted to do everything to protect Iku and the love they had. Oh well...


The managa, Japanese edition

The Manga, Chinese Edition (I forgot to take a pic of my books)

The anime

The live action movie

2010年4月4日 星期日

☀♩♬♪ First Post Wooooo!

Not so long ago, I started to re-watch the anime of Sailor Moon. Dude, I'm getting crazy about it! After watching the anime, I started to read the manga. I felt like a little kid again. I do remember when I was about 4 (1994, oops now you know my age), the show was on Hong Kong TV. And THIS was the only anime I watched. Sailor Moon plays a major role in my childhood. I bought some toys today. They are dirt cheap but still make me happy!


The Bandai mirror set, $14.99~$29.99 USD on ebay.

The Bandai cell phone set, I saw one on ebay at $54.99 USD. I think it's a set of the live-action Sailor Moon show. The phone can make sound if you press the buttons. I thought the moon necklace was really pretty. But I like the Luna mirror the best! <3

Well, that's all for today. More of Sailor Moon coming soon, yay!